Larry Baukin

Author of "Bizarre Magick. Some more text to get this to line up with Cicardi and Fred."

Charles "Cicardi" Scott

Publications include Cicardi Project, Volumes 1 & 2, Cicardi's Insight, and Cicardi's 7 Think.

Fred Crouter

Author of the Inner Secrets of Cold Reading Series.


Cicardi Details button

Fred Crouter details

Stefan Dardik

Publications include Within The Dark Circle and Spirit Manifestations.

C. Dayton

Publications include Roses on a Stage, Yes/No+, Two Thoughts, and Readings & Mentalism with Playing Cards.

Scott Drebus

Publications include Scarpomancy.

Details Stefan Dardik

Details C. Dayton

Enrique Enriquez

Publications include The Invisible Gemstone, The Invisible Tarot, Invisible Readings, Wordcraft, and Looking At The Marseilles Tarot.

Millard Longman

Publications include Acidus Novus, Acidus Globus, Psychic Skills Workshop, Millard's Mental Musings, The Psychic Experience, 5 Card Reading/3 Object Divination, and Symbols in the Path.

Ron Martin

Publications include Tarot Reader's Notebook, Palm Reader's Notebook, Graphologist's Notebook, and Old John's Swamp Cards.

Gene Nielsen

Publications include Cool Reading, The VASCAL System, Emergency Mental Routine, Counseling Techniques for the Private Reader, Everything & More, The MAGICK Years, The Legacy Notebook, The Doodle Dictionary, and the T Party Plan.


Creator of RCRS: Rubik's Cube Reading System, The Profiler, and Esoteric Echos.

Fred Rosenbaum

Publications include The Sweet Psychic.

Michael Spremulli

Publications include Promotion For Psychics.

Loren Tindall

Publications include The Quantum Lottery, The Cairo Cards, The Five Kings Stack, and the David Hoy Press Book.

John Wells

Publications include Applied Sorcery and Readings with Spirit Cards.

Dale Hildebrandt

Publications include Minds, Miracles & Musings, Risk & Reward, and Hand Bluffs.

Ford Kross

A digital collection from one of psychic entertainment's most controversial creators.